Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm so sick of everyone white washing their views and broadsweeping everyone else's views. I'm sick of all of the hypocrisy and arrogance of people when they fight. It makes me so angry, especially when one loudmouth starts yelling "ignorant!" or "heathen!" "@$$hole!" and crowds of people follow suit. What makes it worse is when people deny that their side ever uses the antics and the below-the-belt tactics that the other side does.

"...Anyone who says to his brother "You Fool!" is in danger of the fire of hell." I think Jesus doesn't like it when we insult each-other like two little kids fighting over a toy.

It happens everywhere. Politics, Religion, Science, School catfights, Civil Disputes, HOAs. Ugh.

Do you ever just wonder why we can't all just get along?

We all just want to look good. I think that is the bottom line here. Its a power struggle. We want to be "right." We want to win the election. We want other people's respect.

But, in the words of Zoolander, "Maybe there is something more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking." I know, he was just talking about physical looks, but I think it can be applied to most aspects of life. There's more to life than being right all the time, or winning, or being the best mathematician, or coming up with that argument that completely PWNS the other side.

Not everyone has to be a hero. In fact, most people shouldn't be a hero in the god-like sense of telling people how they should think. Because all of us have some flaw in our thinking.

Ideally, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Ideally, we would all learn from each-other. But instead of iron, we are like rubber, and we just keep bouncing and bonking off of each other.

It leads me to doubt the sincerity of some people who call for "bridging the gap" in our highly divided country. I feel like many of the people who say this are also the ones who throw insults around.

Of course, there are many people who do want to work together with those who are different. But I don't think there are enough.

I think everyone has validity in what they think about the world. From their perspective, from their observations, deductions, conjectures, they have formed a worldview. I think anyone can learn from a different worldview while holding on to their deepest convictions. But we're too scared to find out what might burst our happy little bubble (or angry, secluded, shielded bubble, for that matter).


  1. Sweet blog...
    Where do you get your inspiration?


  2. The world around me... Basically, if I feel like something is wrong or right, I try to sort out why. Sometimes its a long time coming and sometimes its impromptu. Its how I find my words for real life. I hope that makes sense ;) I'm glad you like it
