Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Confused Part II

So I have a lot more peace about my boyfriend situation. I asked God to give me His heart and His mind on the situation, and I feel a lot better about everything. I feel like I can make a decision and have the courage to go through with it.

I guess God really does answer prayer. Where before, i would mull over a problem and let it stress me out until I made a decision purely out of frustration, this time I looked it square in the face and asked God to give me the courage and discernment to make the right decision. There were no tears or tantrums this time. Before, I had my own mindset, and I was going to do what I wanted to do no matter what God said. Now, I see how childish that is.

I wonder what would have happened if I had had the right attitude when I got these feelings before. I might have a completely different life. Or maybe it would be the same, but with less regrets. I don't know. But that would have required me to be a different person, so I guess the issue is moot.

I think I've learned more about God's character and my own character through this relationship than going to church has ever taught me. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. Maybe its not a thing, its just how it is.

I've learned to trust my feelings. I've learned that prayer works if you have the right attitude. I've learned to be open about what I'm thinking. I've learned that I'm not crazy. I've learned a lot more, and I wont bore anyone with the laundry list.

Its crazy what God will do with your attitude when you open your heart to Him.

So I guess the title of this post is misleading, but it continues what was said on Confused but Waiting.

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