Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I get so indignant when people argue with me about something I believe strongly (it doesn't happen too often, but when it does, WATCH OUT). In high school I remember arguing about Creation vs. Evolution with some friends, and about Abortion another time. I also would go onto Christian message boards where Christians and Atheists and Pagans and Everyone Else would just go at it about everything under the sun, and it would anger me sometimes and depress me at others the things all parties would say. NONE of it, and I mean ZERO, went toward furthering my faith. When a Christian would use a cheap debate tactic to prove a point, I actually felt myself die a little bit inside, although I didn't quite understand why at the time.

I brought my concerns up to my dad once, and he told me something that I try to remember when I am ready to go tell some arrogant "heathen" what-for (because ultimately, in the heat of battle, that is how I see them. Bad, I know, but that's just how it is). He told me that ultimately, "it" isn't about Creation vs. Evolution, or Abortion, or Homosexuality, or Supporting Barack Obama, or any of that. Ultimatley, "it" is about Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and about His blood cleansing us from sin, saving us from ourselves and from hell. That is what matters.

For this reason, I get angry when in discussing politics or issues like the ones above people say or act like "God is on their side." Are you really going to speak for God? Are you His appointed messenger on the sins of Homosexuality? Abortion? Illegal Immigration? The Book of Revelation? What about that other guy that thinks he's right and that his ideas must be what God thinks, and therefore you're wrong? Do you really know what God thinks about everything?

I read about the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and my mind immediately goes to United States politics. They would go to Jesus with their political issues and try to debate him or try to one-up either Jesus himself or someone else. Did Jesus engage their debate? Nope, the conversations were pretty short. He would either confound them and the watching crowd with such a simple concept that a child could understand it, or he would say something so bold that they were ready to stone him. Or, as with "marriage after the ressurection" confrontation with the Sadducees, he would just discard the idea altogether.

"And they were astonished at his teaching."

I think if Jesus were to come back today, despite our vast knowledge and our access to His word, we would all be "astonished" and "amazed" (and probably deeply humbled) at what He has to say. But we walk around like we have all the answers to everyone's problems. You're gay? Become a Christian!! You'll be straight in no time! Depressed? Let God carry your burdens! Oh, you're still sad? You must not have good enough faith. It couldn't possibly be a chemical imbalance in your brain or something. Pregnant? Keep your child at all costs! Don't even consider the economic hardship it might put you through or how much it will change your life. If you keep it, you'll get heaven points. If not, well, I hope you like heat.

Are the unsaved really going to be "astonished" at our words? My experience tells me that they know exactly what we will say to them before we say it. Will even other Christians be more than mildly affected with your "amazing insights"? Honestly? I understand that those are exaggerations of what is actually said, but what are the undertones of the statements of "truth" you are making? I feel like they are often as ridiculous as the ones above, but that people are not bold enough to say what their beliefs actually imply (and for good reason).

So what good is debating then? I believe it gives you the credibility of knowing what you're talking about and not just having blind faith. It is good for pulling out every little implication or oversight of every theory or "truth" that someone claims to be fact, if you have a talent for it. DEBATE IS GOOD!!! But everything should not lean on it. I feel like Christians fall into the debate trap far, far too much, especially when they do not have a gift for it or have too much "zeal without knowledge". There are other ways to spread Christ with your own gifts and talents than arguing with people about the validity of that one verse in 2 Kings that seems to contradict that other verse in 2 Chronicles.

I suppose my point here is to PICK YOUR BATTLES. Decide how much this argument really matters in the long run. Ask yourself and God if it is simply a friendly discussion or an angry discourse. And please, please, PLEASE don't end off anything with "Well, I'll pray that God changes your mind" or something similar. This shows such a disrespect for the other person's intellect that any respect they might have had for you will go out the window and into oncoming traffic.


  1. This is good! I used to have lots of debates where I was so self-righteous. I really agree with you here...thanks for writing it. Relationship and respect is always more important than winning some dumb argument, even/especially if it's about God.

  2. Hey I just randomly happened to stumble upon your blog, and I love it! Way to go, I will keep reading! Great point.
