Friday, May 1, 2009

Bible words

So I was on today, and I was reading about what they think the Bible says about certian issues.

I think what makes things like this sound so high and holy is the amount of Bible language they use. I looked at one on masturbation, and they said in about 5 paragraphs what I can say in three: It's an addiction. But they kept going on and on about "purity" and "lust" and "self-control" and "God's wonderful creation" etc. I get it already! Children masturbate all the time without knowing it. Are they doing it out of lust for that poster on the wall? I'm not arguing for whether or not this is a good or a bad thing. I just wish that places with "bible answers" would speak in plain english and not in "christian"-ish.

I feel like most of the thing we are told not to do in church are because they are addicting to some people, like smoking or drinking or masturbating or drugs or, in the case of Mormons and probably many christians (though I don't know any), caffeine. I know that everyone has their limits. However, just because Susie over here goes crazy and runs her mouth after one drink doesn't mean Sally over here will. Smoking is a fairly recent thing considered "unchristian" since it was regarded as unhealthy. And it is addicting. However, from what I've gathered talking to people who do smoke, some of them addict to it more than others.

The basis behind everything is "Thou shalt not have any other idols before me." And you absolutely should not put anything before God. And I think there are some things that the Bible is clear about that a God-fearing Christian should not do, like adultery and murder and what-not. But if the Bible doesn't specify, I think it should be up to each person where their line for these things is to be drawn, not the church.

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