Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Golden Compass

AKA the alethiometer. It tells the truth. Mmhmm.

You can't hate a book you've never read before. So despite the past controversy over His Dark Materials, I plan on reading them. I am in the middle of the first one.

I can see the parallels to Narnia that he makes, with the innocent little girl and the author's clear partiality to this type of child both authors have created as the protagonist. The talking animals, the snow and the woods, some random scenes that seem to allude to scenes in the Chronicles. I remember hearing somewhere that His Dark Materials are an atheist's response to the Chronicles. I don't know if that came from the author himself or an analysis, but I can definitely see it. If/When I read the other two books, I might make a comparison. But I can't now.

I'm in a Mood right now. I think they happen on Saturdays when i get bored and my mind wanders.

I have a love-hate relationship with everything that challenges my beliefs. I hate it when they first come along, challenging the very core of my values, catching me off guard in Patricia-land. I hate it when something makes me think, because i don't always like to. I like to blank out and let whatever will come to me (sometimes I think that's how i treat life in general. But that's a different post). As a result, I've become good, too good, at sitting, standing, teetering, on the fence of two ideals.

Sometimes I wonder if i have any opinions at all. I know I do, but sometimes I feel like I'm too objective about life. There are some things that I have no opinion on that I feel like i really should, especially when it comes to Christian-charged topics like the role of women (in marriage, leadership, life), Creation vs. Evolution, evangelism tactics, hell, Bible reading, what to do with my life, etc. And I don't like to act on anything unless I'm sure of my opinion. So I'm sure to the outsider that i am a ridiculously passive person, and I guess in some ways I am.


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