Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Glorieta post 2

I'm finally feeling settled in.

Its all so routine now. work, hang out, watch tv, hike, read, sleep, play a random sport, in some order. Every day. And I like it. I think its refreshing. Its a nice little Christian bubble, a nice break away from the stress of college.

God is very patient with me as I slowly understand the things he is trying to get me to understand.

1. I feel like I came here with a sense of superiority, like I had finally unsheltered myself almost completely, and therefore I knew better about everything than most others here. Ironic, huh? Now that I know about all the ridiculous bad stuff in the world, I know all about being a good person. Bad attitude. Very bad. When I read Nehemiah's prayer to God in the first chapter, I was humbled by his humble attitude, despite his leadership position. I guess the best leaders are the most humble. Probably why I've never been a good one.

Gotta say, though, its a common thing for people to equate unsheltered with uncool. I'm not alone in that. But I've decided that the people who think that usually make lame "That's what she said" jokes ;)

2. Marriage is a serious matter. Its a lifetime commitment. A covenant, if you will. Its starting to scare me, but God keeps assuring me that he knows what he's doing, and that however things turn out, it will be for the best, for both of us. I'm glad to be away from the whole situation to clear my head in the thin air of the mountains.

3. I might want to lead a Bible study again. I think my heart is in the right place so that I can now successfully lead one. I didn't like it before, because I felt like I had to do all this stuff and know everything. I felt like the people I led with or was in a Bible study with knew a lot more than I did. I think now it just takes a little prayer and a little dedication, and humility.

I think this summer I'm learning about humility and waiting on the Lord to take care of me. I think those are the big things.

One frustration: We have this quote board, for the funny stuff people say. Yeah. Its become the "Who can make the most awkward sex comment" board. Gosh. Like 75% of the board is a sexual innuendo, intentional or not. I'm ok with sex jokes, but make them good, seriously. And I'm sick of all the homo-erotic humor with the guys. Its so gross. They're not gay. They should not act like that. Its not funny. Fail.

K. Done. No more complaints. Life is pretty good up here. I initially thought I was in the wrong place, but I'm definitely seeing things differently now. I'm starting to think God can use you anywhere, even in the opposite place you wanted to be, that you thought you would be happiest or best equipped at. Gosh.

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